The Benefits Of Trailer Interchange Coverage

Posted on October 13, 2018

Trailer Interchange Coverage

There was a time, long before technology when all you needed was a handshake in order to seal the deal. However, like other industries, the trucking industry knows that there are many details that must be covered. A business definitely needs adequate protection to ensure that a business and the goods that they ship are free from worry during transportation. This is why the trucking industry values the trailer interchange coverage.

This type of policy can protect business owners from various financial liabilities. While it is quite an impossible feat to keep trailers you do not own from damage each time a trucker pulls one to a new destination, having the right type of insurance protects both the trucking company, employees as well as their families.

This insurance policy was put in place to help protect the trucking company from various types of accidents and damage that occur when drivers are loading and unloading goods in the process of hauling freight from one place to another. So this process of loading and unloading is fully covered during the interchange of goods.

The coverage is applicable as soon as the policy is purchased. In some cases, the coverage will only depend on whose possession the truck and cargo are in if damaged. So basically if the trailer is unhooked however it’s still in the possession of the trucker, then the trucker is covered by the trailer interchange insurance.

However, there are some restrictions to this rule. In some cases, some policies will only pay out if the trailer was still attached at the time the damage occurred. There may also be some restrictions on the type of damage and the amount of the insurance payout. There are ultimately maximum payout amounts.

Most people don’t know this, but physical damage is not covered by standard trucking insurance. Unfortunately, this places the truck driver in a vulnerable position. However, with trailer interchange insurance, you are covered in the following instances:

— when freight is being unloaded and unloaded
— if physical damage occurs to the product in the event that you are in an accident
— if a fire that is accidentally started damages the load
— if goods are stolen
— in the event of vandalism

These are just a few examples of the type of protection you get when you choose trailer interchange insurance. Ultimately, the insurance only covers trailers that you do not own. The policy does not extend to trailers that are owned by you and physically damaged.

The amount you pay for trailer interchange insurance will depend on a number of factors such as your driving record, your driving experience, the value of the trailer in question as well as local state regulations. Making use of trailer interchange insurance helps protect your business from the various financial losses that are caused by unexpected circumstances or penalties.

It also helps you to build and maintain your company and reputation as an owner. Ultimately, having a good reputation lets trailer owners know that they can trust you and have confidence when hiring you. This insurance policy not only protects properties not belonging to you but ultimately yourself and your family as well.

Trucking companies incur many expenses on a day-to-day basis. Sadly they are also perceived as a cash cow for scams. While some trucking companies may not see the value of an insurance policy, since they have so many expenses already, the reality of the situation is that the cost of an insurance policy is far less expensive than taking the chance of adding unforeseen expenses and penalties to your business.

Trailer interchange coverage is a smart business decision and it protects your investments in the business. One little-added expense could mean the difference between coverage and financial ruin. The trucking industry has enough dangers already, so why not take a step in ensuring that you don’t add to that list. Trailer interchange coverage can save your business lots of money.

Short Term Truck Insurance Quote

Posted on October 11, 2018

Short term truck insurance quote – Are you a truck driver who wants to buy a truck for commercial purposes? Or are you looking to get an additional truck for your business? If so, you should consider buying temporary or short-term commercial trucking insurance.

Most commercial truckers understand how difficult it can be to buy insurance for a truck. You have to determine what level of coverage you need, evaluate various companies, get quotes, negotiate, and finally settle for one insurer. This process can take weeks to complete, and you will not be able to drive your truck during this period if you don’t have insurance.

What is temporary commercial truck insurance?

When you buy a truck, you have to drive it from the dealership to your business premises. During this time, you may not be able to purchase permanent insurance for the vehicle. You have the option of leaving the truck at the dealership until you get insurance or driving the vehicle without insurance and facing any potential risks along the way.

Temporary insurance is a policy that’s formulated to give you peace of mind when buying a truck. It is a short-term cover that you get for your truck before choosing permanent coverage. The insurance policy covers your vehicle against predetermined risks for a specified period, usually ranging between one and 30 days. With a temporary insurance cover, you can drive the truck before obtaining a permanent cover, and you don’t have to worry about incurring losses after physical damage.

Benefits of temporary commercial truck insurance

A short-term truck insurance policy comes with various benefits. First, your vehicle is covered right from the time you drive it from the dealership to your business premises. If the truck gets damaged along the way, the insurance covers any repair costs incurred. Some insurers also give benefits such as stripping services and lettering. You can brand, strip, and repaint the truck in preparation for the commercial applications.

Another benefit of a temporary insurance cover is that it gives you the liberty to drive the truck during the insured period. Most insurance companies provide universally-accepted temporary insurance covers. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about falling on the wrong side of the law by driving without proper insurance coverage.

Limitations of temporary commercial truck insurance

This short-term cover comes with restrictions. First, some insurers prohibit you from undertaking any commercial applications with the truck while under the short-term cover. Therefore, you have to wait for the permanent cover before using the vehicle for freight purposes. Also, some insurers also restrict you from carrying out any form of hauling while covered by the temporary policy.

A temporary commercial truck insurance cover can come in handy when buying a truck for your business. However, various companies have different short-term policies. Take the time to evaluate your needs before choosing a temporary cover. Also, get multiple quotes from various insurers and compare their rates. Once you find the right one, you can buy a policy and be able to drive your truck from the dealership to your premises.